Tuesday, January 5, 2016


I just saw the movie "Concussion" with Will Smith.  First of all, I commend Will for having the courage to take this role - I'm sure there was major pressure not to from many different powers that be. The clear message in the movie was that human lives matter and that we must not be afraid to speak up for what we know to be true.

So once again I will subject myself to the possibility of ridicule, judgement, being called crazy... whatever you want to say about me, bring it on.  You are misguided and your ignorance does not and will not define me. Because I know the truth and I must speak up for those who are too damn sick to speak for themselves.

People are being subjected to insane suffering, families are being destroyed and financially devastated and sick people are not getting the help they so desperately need and deserve. These people are mothers, daughters, sisters, fathers, aunts, cousins, uncles - they are your fellow human beings many in your own communities.  And they are being dehumanized and treated like their lives are worth nothing by the very people who are supposed to be helping them.  I just can't stand by and watch this horror take place before my very eyes without feeling compelled to shout it from the rooftops until someone finally hears me.

How do I know this?  Because I am living it, along with many, many others, some have become my dear friends, Many are much sicker than I am.  We support, encourage and love each other because no one else will. Without them I'm not sure where I'd be.

So even though I'm getting well, I will not desert my friends.  I will continue to speak up for them until the day comes when the truth finally comes out, medical care for Chronic Lyme Disease patients is covered by insurance companies (because currently it is not covered AT ALL) and there is money being put toward research to find a cure for this devastating disease.  Most people would be surprised to learn that many Lyme sufferers are travelling to Germany and other countries for treatment that is not available in the U.S. - I know several people personally - which costs thousands and thousands of dollars all out of pocket.  I often wonder about the people who don't have extra money to spend on treatments - what do they do?  I have heard of many, many people going into debt, losing their homes, losing pretty much everything.  How can this be happening in this country in this day and age?  It literally blows my mind.

And there are people that KNOW this is all going on and are choosing to turn a blind eye because they are scared.  They are afraid of losing their jobs and of being discredited in their professions, they are afraid of how it would affect their families if they were to speak up.  I get that, I really do.  I feel the same way.  But this just perpetuates the problem.  We cannot allow ourselves to be intimidated because Lyme disease sufferers have families too - and they used to have lives until Lyme stole them from them.  Their current lives look nothing like they did before.

For anyone out there who still questions the validity of a massive cover-up regarding Chronic Lyme Disease and it's co-infections (including Morgellons Disease which is most likely Bartonella) by the CDC, AMA, Big Pharma, the FDA and other powers that be with skin in the game, I implore you to go see "Concussion", a powerful film depicting the true story of an amazing courageous doctor who took his oath seriously and spoke the truth that he knew to be true.  He put his patients first and put everything in his life on the line for the sake of morality and basic human decency.  It's the story of intentional deceit, deception and corruption to the detriment of human lives for money, power and most importantly, because people were afraid to speak up.  We cannot be intimidated and allow fear to stop us from speak the truth any longer.

I ask you this question: if massive cover-ups have happened before, not only in the case of the NFL, but also within the Catholic Church and many others in the history of this country and the world, why is it so hard for people to believe that it is happening right now with regard to Lyme Disease???

I encourage you to see this movie,.  Maybe it will open your mind to the possibility that the thousands of people across the world who are desperately ill are not crazy or making it up.  Maybe they are telling the truth.

I believe there will be a similar movie made about the Lyme Disease cover-up in the not so distant future and I intend to live to see it.

This is for you Christine Schulz Ramos,
Oriana K. Schatan, Bennie Le Bourvellec, Shirley Collenette, Staci Koch and all of the other Lyme sufferers out there too sick to speak for themselves.  I love you, I support you and I will never give up on you - never!

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