Thursday, March 31, 2016

How Do You Want To Be Remembered?

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, 
people will forget what you did, 
but people will never forget how you made them feel." 

                                           - Maya Angelou 

I love words.  The above quote by Maya Angelou may be one of my favorites of all time.  Words have so much power.  They urge us to open our minds to new ideas, new perspectives and allow us to think differently and in turn, our lives improve.  Just changing the way you think about something has potential to change your life in a profound way and trigger new opportunities for expansion, growth and healing.

I have learned that your life is not defined by your achievements, successes, wealth, reputation or even how clean your house's defined by the number of souls you touch and connect with, the amount of lives, both people and animals, that are made better for having crossed your path.  

How many people would say that they are better off for having known you?  What will people say about you after you are gone?  How will they remember you?  Picture yourself at your own funeral or memorial service and ask yourself what do you want people to say about you?  How do you want your loved ones to describe how you lived your life?  What do you want your family, friends, acquaintances and even strangers to say about the kind of person you were?

Think about it, decide what you want your legacy to look and feel like and live from that place now.  Because life gives no guarantees and waiting for one more second to live the way you want to be remembered may be one second too late.

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