Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Calling All Butterflies

"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, 
and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, 
he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours."
                                                             - Henry David Thoreau

Calling All Butterflies

Calling all butterflies
Far and near
All is okay
Let go of the fear

I am a butterfly
I am free
I am fearless 
I am me

Join me in bliss
Laugh and be free
Soar in the clouds
Flow through the trees

I am a butterfly
I am free
I am fearless 
I am me

Rejoice in the light
In the love that surrounds
All is well
Everything is right

I am a butterfly
I am free
I am fearless 
I am me

Elevate your heart 
Think only of love
We are meant to feel close
Not far, far apart

I am a butterfly
I am free
I am fearless 
I am me

Put on your wings
That are rightfully yours
They are right there beside you
They are yours, they are yours!

I am a butterfly
I am free
I am fearless 
I am me

Your wings are waiting for you
To open your eyes
Slip them on, you can do it
Come with me, fly the skies

I am a butterfly
I am free
I am fearless 
I am me

Calling all butterflies
Come out to play
Experience the joy 
That is here to stay

Liz Nogueiro

Imagine, that we all start out as caterpillars, exactly the same, all of us born with a spark within, capable of manifesting into a beautiful butterfly.  Some caterpillars arrive with a deep sense of knowing - knowing innately that our purpose set forth by the universe is to curl up into a cocoon and emerge as butterfly.  Some seem to just appear as butterflies from the start, but that's not true...it's just that their cocoon stage progresses so quickly that the rest of us don't even notice.  These butterflies, full of grace and freedom, soar majestically above the caterpillars, tempting and encouraging them to join them in the clouds.  But that is all they can do because the caterpillars must decide on their own, they cannot be forced into that cocoon. 

Some of the caterpillars are enticed right away and immediately follow the lead of the butterflies.  Some may take a bit longer but eventually they, too, transform into amazing butterflies.  And there are those caterpillars who watch the butterflies with longing, desiring greatly to become butterflies but not knowing how to go about it.  These caterpillars never quite embrace the caterpillar life - somewhere deep inside, they know that they, too, are meant to be butterflies.  

Others are perfectly content being caterpillars, becoming angered and annoyed by any of the other caterpillars who dare to dream of becoming butterflies.  They do whatever they can to discourage them from pursuing this dream.  These caterpillars are perfectly happy being ordinary.  Still others, well...they don't even notice the butterflies.

The ordinary caterpillars have set boundaries and restrictions for themselves and expect all other caterpillars to follow suit.  They are threatened, fearful and intimidated by the graceful fluidity and ease of the incredible butterflies and deep down do not believe that they are worthy or deserving of this privilege.  They believe it's impossible for them, something that only happens to certain special caterpillars.  

The other group of caterpillars, the ones who feel the spark of the butterfly within, stare up at the magical, colorful butterflies, who seem full of peace and love and joy, and know that the possibility of this amazing transformation is possible.  They know it deep in their little caterpillar soul and start to search for a way to get there.  Some figure it out right away, others take longer - every caterpillar has a different journey.  But that's okay because eventually they all become beautiful butterflies, each one with their own individual colors and pattern.

And there are some that try to be caterpillars for a very long time, even though they know something's not right.  They continue on the same path as all of the other ordinary caterpillars, trying to fit in and enjoy being a caterpillar.  But for them, it just doesn't work.  They become depressed, sad, unfulfilled and miserable.  If they still don't feel motivated to figure it out, they start to shut down and fade away.  They become very sick.  Some die.  Others finally see the light, that spark of the butterfly within and crawl into a warm cocoon and emerge victorious.  But there are some caterpillars who go into their cocoon and become so terrified of being alone in the dark that they get stuck there and can't get out.  What they don't realize is that the fear is keeping them in that cocoon...all they have to do is let go of the fear.  Once they do this, they are free to emerge into the light, a glorious butterfly soaring among all of the other beautiful butterflies.

Once the caterpillar becomes a butterfly, there is no going back - and why would they want to?  The caterpillars left behind try to get them to come back to caterpillar-land.  The butterfly tries to encourage the caterpillars to see the butterfly spark inside their own little caterpillar soul but many will resist, too afraid of the unknown, terrified to try something new.

But that's okay because the butterfly will keep trying.  Because the butterfly spark is in every single caterpillar and it is their birth right to become a butterfly.  The butterfly proclaims to the caterpillars below:
"I'm calling all butterflies, I'm rounding them up.  Whether you are a caterpillar searching for something more out of life or a caterpillar stuck in your cocoon of fear, I'm talking to you.  Yes, yes, you heard me correctly...I'm talking to YOU!"

Do you hear the call of the butterfly?  

Friday, December 4, 2015

What I've Learned So Far

"With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself 
or treat what has happened as a gift.  Everything is either an opportunity to grow
or an obstacle to keep you from growing.  You get to choose" 
                                                                     - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

The mysterious, convoluted, confusing and oddly controversial story of Lyme disease has all of the makings of a major Hollywood suspense thriller - and I would not be at all surprised if it actually does play out on the big screen one day.  It's a good story, with plenty of twists and turns, intrigue, drama, emotional turmoil and often polarizing controversy.  Add to that a heaping dose of human pain and suffering and you've got the recipe for a major motion picture blockbuster.

Unfortunately, for those of us living with this hideous disease day in and day out, the story is nothing close to fictional.  It's our reality.  Our new normal.  And the reality is anything but glamorous.

History of Lyme Disease

Excerpt from Bay Area Lyme Foundation web site:
"Ticks and Lyme disease have been around for thousands of years.  In fact, a recent autopsy on a 5,300-year old mummy indicated the presence of the bacteria which causes Lyme disease.  A German physician, Alfred Buchwald, first described the chronic skin rash, or erythema migrans, of what is now known to be Lyme disease more than 130 years ago.  However, Lyme disease was only recognized in the United States in the 1960's and 1970's  And the bacteria that causes it - Borrelia burgdorferi, wasn't officially classified until 1981.

The 1970's
In the early 1970's, a group of children and adults in Lyme, Connecticut, and the surrounding areas were suffering from some puzzling and debilitating health issues.  Their symptoms included swollen knees, paralysis, skin rashes, headaches, and severe chronic fatigue.  Visits with doctors and hospital stays had become all too common. 
These families were left undiagnosed and untreated for years.  If it wasn't for the persistence of two mothers from the group in Connecticut, Lyme disease might still be little-known even today.  These patient advocates began to take notes, conduct their own research, and contact scientists.
The medical establishment began to study the group's symptoms and looked for several possible causes.  Was it germs in the air or water?  The children had reported skin rashes, followed very quickly by arthritic conditions.  And they had all recalled being bitten by a tick in the region of Lyme, Connecticut.  
Finally, by the mid-1970's, researchers began describing the signs and symptoms of the new disease.  They called it Lyme, but they still didn't know what caused it.

The 1980's
In 1981, a scientist who was studying Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (also caused by a tick bite) began to study Lyme disease.  This scientist, Willy Burgdorfer, found the connection between the deer tick and the disease.  He discovered that a bacterium called a spirochete, carried by ticks, was causing Lyme.  The medical community honored Dr. Burgdorfer's discovery in 1982 by naming the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi.
With extensive backgrounds on Lyme patients and the scientific discoveries that ensued, doctors began to use several antibiotics to treat the disease.  This treatment is currently accepted by the medical profession and has been largely successful, especially for those with early-stage Lyme disease.  However, there continues to be heavy debate on the long-term use of antibiotics for Lyme that has progressed or appears resistant to a short course of antibiotics.

The 2000's
Since the 1980's, reports of Lyme disease have increased dramatically to the point that the disease has become an important public health problem in many areas of the Untied States.
In 2012, Lyme disease was included in the top ten notifiable diseases by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 

Lyme disease is one of the fastest-growing vector-borne infections in the United States.  The CDC estimates that there are 300,000 new cases each year here in the US. 
While it was primarily an East Coast phenomenon in the beginning, it has since been reported in all states except Hawaii.  And diagnostic tools are still unreliable - as of yet there is no definitive cure for those with late-stage Lyme disease."

My Story
I was born in 1971 and grew up in the Bay Area , Portola Valley, CA, until I was 14 years old.  My father was a TWA airline pilot and was transferred to the East Coast when I was in 8th grade.  We moved to Darien, Connecticut in 1984, the summer before I entered my freshman year of high school.  I lived there for four years and during that time, I remember getting at least two tick bites, one of which I received in 1989 while working as a lifeguard at a beach on the Long Island Sound the summer after my senior year of high school.  I remember getting the bulls-eye shaped rash but I was never treated for it with antibiotics.  I was not even aware that Lyme disease existed at that point and I never sought medical attention.  The rash went away on it's own and I didn't think much about it.  Interestingly, Darien is 68.9 miles from Lyme, a driving distance of a little over an hour.

In August of that same year, I began my freshman year at the University of Colorado, Boulder.  The year started out great - I loved Boulder, immediately made some great friends, and joined a sorority.  But soon I realized something was not right.  I was tired all the time and although I had always been a straight-A student, I was struggling to keep up with my studies.  I was finally diagnosed with mononucleosis in the Spring but by that point I had pretty much failed out of school.  My parents were upset, disappointed and baffled.  It was devastating.

In retrospect, I now believe that the mononucleosis I was diagnosed with was actually Lyme disease.  I never felt the same after that and I have suffered from chronic health problems, including chronic fatigue, endometriosis, fertility problems, chronic debilitating back pain, with numbness and tingling in my legs and feet, joint pain, constant headaches, fog brain, chronic yeast infections, issues with my skin and hair...the list goes on and on) for the past 25+ years.  Looking back, I had all of the symptoms of Chronic Lyme disease but I had no idea that's what was making me so sick.

Since finally receiving my diagnosis over twelve months ago, I have learned so much - much more than I had learned in all of my previous 44 years combined.  And yet, I feel as if I have only just scratched the surface.  I still have so many unanswered questions - both about myself and about Lyme disease.  I'm at an intersection of the two right now and sometimes its hard to differentiate between them because they are so intertwined.

Oddly enough, I've learned to look at Lyme as more as an unwelcome guest who, although it has most definitely overstayed its welcome, is not necessarily the mortal enemy I once thought it to be.  We've been together a very long time, Lyme and I, and I've decided that it must be in my life for an important reason.  I no longer fear Lyme as I once did - I view it more with a sort of observational curiosity, asking myself on a daily basis this simple question: What is Lyme disease here to teach me?

My journey is far from over, but here are some things I have learned about myself and about Lyme disease that you may not know...

1. The struggle is real.

2. I am stronger than I ever imagined.  Way stronger.  Lyme disease is not for the faint of heart - it's a beast in every sense of the word. It requires every ounce of strength, fortitude, determination, perseverance, and faith one can muster.  And then it demands more.

3. Chronic Lyme & Co. is extremely controversial.  Talking about it tends to alienate others, including close friends and family who often don't believe you and tend to gossip about you behind your back.  I've learned to accept this fact and not let it get to me.

4. People can say things about me, they can think things about me, they can even believe things about me - but that doesn't make those things true.  Never, ever again will I allow other people's attempts to define me, including doctors, influence how I feel about myself or what I know to be true.

5. Some people are unkind because they are ignorant; others are unkind because they choose to be ignorant.  Either way, it's not my problem.

6. Living my life allowing any credence whatsoever to what other people think of me is a waste of my time and energy and will prevent me from living a life of full of purpose and authenticity.  Never again.  I intend to live my life fearlessly and without regret.  I am committed to living a life without fear of any kind, including fear of criticism, judgment, or worry about my reputation.  What other people think of me is none of my business.

7. Compassion and kindness are everything.  Every person I meet is on a journey all their own, one that I know nothing about, even though I may think I do.  That applies to those close to me as well as to strangers - things are not always as they appear to be.  So who am I to judge?

8. There is such a thing as "disease-ism".  Some diseases, like cancer for example, are deemed worthy by society of sympathy, compassion, research and fundraising.  Others, like HIV, chronic autoimmune disorders (aka "invisible diseases), addiction, mental illness and many others, elicit a very clear lack of empathy and understanding from the outside world.  And then there's Lyme disease, which is in a category all its own.  The mere mention of the word "Lyme" makes people behave so oddly that it's hard to wrap one's brain around it.  It's just downright bizarre.  I still don't pretend to understand it - but I have learned to deal with it because I've come to realize that it's completely out of my control.

9. I know that I must have a laser-like focus in order to even attempt to regain my health.  I must sacrifice almost everything else in my life, at lease temporarily, while I head steadfast in the direction of my intention to get well.  Beyond that, my children are my only priority - everything else must be put on hold for now - I have no other choice.  Guilt no longer exists for me with regard to anyone other than my kids - moms always feel guilty, that's just a given.

10.  I also realize that I must be willing to accept setbacks because with Lyme, there are always setbacks.  Always.  But I must not let them deter me from my ultimate goal.  This is critical.

11.  Lyme is one cunning son of a gun.  It has a tendency to trick you into a false sense of complacently, making you think you are making progress when really it's just hiding, lying in wait, undetectable by your immune system and ready to pounce when you are least expecting it.

12.  If you ask me how I'm feeling today, I will tell you honestly but my answer might be drastically different tomorrow.  Living with Lyme is a roller coaster ride - I never know how I'm going to be feeling from one day to the next, which is why I plan basically nothing.

13.  I may smile and act like I am feeling okay but in reality I feel like crap most of the time.  And I know I look like crap too so don't feel bad if that's what you are thinking.  Which leads me to #14...

14.  All vanity goes out the window when you have Lyme.  In the past, I've always, for the most part, felt confident in my physical appearance and could sometimes be quite vain.  No more.  Lyme ain't pretty and neither are you when you are battling it. There is no way around it and frankly, it's been very humbling.  My skin is a mess from the toxin release, my eyebrows fell out and are gone completely, and I'm suffering from massive fluid retention and systemic inflammation because as my body kills off thousands of pathogens and releases endotoxins into my bloodstream (called herxing), not only does it cause me to experience terrible, worsening symptoms but my lymphatic system gets completely overloaded and cannot eliminate the toxins fast enough. I'm carrying around 30 extra pounds of fluid - I look and feel super bloated and none of my clothes fit.  It's beyond uncomfortable.  Add to that the fact that the idea putting on make-up seems almost equivalent to running a marathon when you can barely muster enough energy to drag yourself out of bed and shower in the morning - well, you can see that it's not a pretty picture.  Not by a long shot.  There are times when I just want to hide in my house and avoid social situations...but I've learned to accept this as part of the healing process and it's a price I will gladly pay in return for my health.  Still, I do look forward to the day when I look and feel like myself again.  Until then, onward.

15.  I welcome compassion but please don't pity me - it just makes me feel worse.  And please, please don't point out how much my family has suffered as a result of my illness.  Nobody- nobody - is more aware of this than me and pointing it out also makes me feel worse.

16.  There are literally hundreds, maybe thousands, of treatments out there for Chronic Lyme disease. They vary in a multitude of ways but all have one thing in common: they will make you worse, much worse, before you start to see any improvement.  With some treatments, like the Rife machine for example, you many only feel really down and out for a few days and then see marked improvement after that but you will definitely feel worse at first.   And it's cumulative - so if you keep using the Rife every day without somehow addressing the toxin build-up, you will have more bad days eventually.  Lyme disease is a marathon, not a sprint.  It can take months, even years to feel better, depending on how long you've had it, which co-infections you have, and your physical make-up, including any other underlying health issues.  It's just the nature of the disease - no way around it.  Like I said, it's a beast.

17.  Everyone's an expert.  People hear little snippets here and there from "respected" sources like Google, the news media, mainstream medical doctors or even just some random person and think they have it all figured out.  I will tell you something with utmost certainty - any person who has been living with Lyme for any significant amount of time most definitely knows more than any of those sources combined.  I promise you that's true.  I'd be willing to bet my life on it.  You would probably be surprised at the level of resourcefulness, determination and collaboration that exists in the Lyme community, created out of sheer necessity and desperation due to lack of any other options.  In order to survive, you must become an expert.  Period.

18. Lyme & Co. is very complicated and affects every individual differently.  Additionally, a treatment that works for one person may not work for another.  It's imperative that you become an expert on how Lyme affects you specifically taking into account everything from dental issues, implants of any kind, medications, previous surgeries and underlying health issues to how long it's been there.  Everything is important and even the littlest thing may be playing a much bigger role in your symptoms and treatment success than you realize.

19.  I am an activist when it comes to Lyme disease, admittedly a reluctant one, but an activist nonetheless.  People who have known me for a long time would agree that this was never a path I would have chosen for myself - but for whatever reason it seems to have chosen me.  If I have to be a poster child for Lyme and subject myself to ridicule, judgment and criticism then so be it - I've made peace with it.  Bring it on!  If I can help or encourage just one person, it will be worth it to me.

20.  "Groupthink" is defined as: 'A psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people, in which the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an irrational or dysfuncional decision-making outcome.  Group members try to minimize conflict and reach a consensus decision without critical evaluation of alternative viewpoints by actively suppressing dissenting viewpoints, and by isolating themselves from outside influences.'  In my opinion, groupthink is terrifying, extremely dangerous and should be avoided at all costs.  Most people are afraid to stand up among the masses in the face of injustice especially when it comes to popular belief systems that have been spoon fed by powerful entities like the AMA, CDC, authority figures like medical doctors and the mainstream news media.  Nobody wants to be the one to say something or admit to the fact that things just aren't adding up for fear of becoming a social pariah or even worse, being accused of being a 'conspiracy theorist'.  Recently I saw the movie "Spotlight", a truly amazing film, within which this phenomenon was illustrated so brilliantly that I wanted to stand up and start applauding.  The fact that a seemingly far-fetched or preposterous idea seems impossible or crazy is the very thing that has the potential to perpetuate a cover-up of monumental proportions.   I have learned that if something seems "off" it's usually because something is most definitely off.  Trust your instincts, do your own research and don't allow others to influence your beliefs and opinions.  I think that people would be shocked and horrified by the reality of the world we live in and what some are capable of in the name of protecting their own interests.  Nothing, literally nothing, shocks me anymore.  But the thing about the truth is that it always comes out - always.  And the truth about Lyme will come out too, eventually.  I, along with everyone else in the world affected by Lyme, look forward to that day.  And when that day comes, everyone out there remaining on the wrong side of history when it comes to this global pandemic will be feeling pretty moronic.  Because, mark my words, it will go down as the CDC's greatest cover up of all time.

21.  Pay attention to what catches your attention - it's almost always important.  Most of us are fumbling around in the dark until the light gets turned on and suddenly everything becomes glaringly obvious.  It was right in front of us the entire time, disguised in a cloak of darkness.  In my opinion, getting people to really listen to something they don't want to hear is one of life's biggest challenges.  I have learned to become detached to the outcome.  I will keep providing the information and it's up to you if you choose to listen.

22.  Any and all treatments and/or testing for Chronic Lyme Disease & Co. must be paid for by patients completely out-of-pocket - and trust me, treatments aren't cheap.  Believe it or not, the CDC does not recognize the chronic form of Lyme as a legitimate disease, even thought thousands and thousands are suffering from it around the world, and will not cover any costs associated with treating it.  That's right - insurance covers nothing!  Additionally, no one in the conventional medical profession realizes that antibiotics do not cure Lyme.  Alternative and Lyme-literate practitioners charge $450 or more for each visit.  The testing alone is $800+++ and not completely accurate.  These doctors are often putting their careers at risk by treating patients for Chronic Lyme and many have lost their licenses. (If you have not already seen "Under Our Skin",  a documentary about Lyme disease, it's a MUST watch!) I have personally spent thousands and that is very little compared to most people.  I know several people who have spent hundreds of thousands, even a few who have spent millions - and they are STILL not well!  I know it's hard to believe, but this is the sad reality that people need to understand.  Financial devastation is one of the many side effects of living with Lyme disease.  Often, they lose their homes, cars, jewelry, go through all of their savings and are left with nothing.  And the most tragic part is that when all is said and done, they are still not well. How sad is that?

23.  As a result of my illness, many people in my life have shown their true colors and disappeared- it was a painful process but one that I am grateful for because I now realize that the ones who remain are the only ones who matter.  As Maya Angelou said, "When people show you who they are, believe them."  I take this advice very seriously now.  True friends are the ones who walk toward you when everyone else is walking away.

24.   Chronic Lyme & Co. wreaks havoc on families - and that's putting it mildly.  Marriages are tested, tested some more and then tested again with no end in sight and even the strongest relationships struggle.  Tragically, there is zero support for families and individuals dealing with Lyme disease and often, the situation seems hopeless.  More marriages fall apart than survive due to the level of stress this disease creates.  Lyme creates insane levels of stress on all levels - financial, emotional, physical, psychological.  Sadly, in the end, it's the children that suffer the most.

25.  This is an important one - and one that most people do not realize.  Lyme disease can kill you.  People die from it.  All the time.  I know several people right now who are on hospice due to complications from Chronic Lyme disease and it's co-infections. Often, when a person dies from Lyme, it's not listed as the cause of death on the autopsy report so death statistics are severely distorted.  People also commit suicide.  Often.  And to be honest, I've had dark thoughts at times - I think we all have.  If I didn't have three beautiful kids who desperately need me, who knows?  It's that bad.  I watched my mom die slowly of colon cancer over the course of 4 and a half years.  She was my best friend and I loved her more than life itself.  This past year, battling this horrific disease has been worse than watching my beloved mother suffer through countless painful treatments and fade away before my very eyes.  That's how bad this disease is!

26.  The majority of Lyme patients have been treated so poorly by the medical community that most suffer from severe anxiety and fear at the mere mention of going to see a mainstream physician or hospital - and many of us have so much distrust for them that we will avoid them at all costs.  Most Lyme patients have been misdiagnosed multiple times and for many years.  We have been called hypochondriacs, mentally ill, drug addicts, self-mutilators, depressed, attention-seekers -the list goes on and on and on.  When you are severely ill and multiple doctors, distinguished members of our society whom you have always looked up to and admired,  look at you condescendingly with judgement, suspicion and contempt and tells you that there is nothing wrong with you, that it's all in your head, that you are crazy, its dehumanizing on such a deeply devastating level that it changes you forever.  The very people who you always thought you could turn to in your time of need are the ones treating you like you are scum on the bottom of their shoe, not worthy of basic human decency, much less an accurate diagnosis and treatment for your suffering.  It's seriously tragic.

27.  Here's the ironic thing...after reading all of the above realities of living with Lyme, some people will still claim that we are all making it up.  WHAT?  REALLY? WHO IN THE WORLD WOULD EVER WILLINGLY SIGN UP FOR THIS HELL?  How can anyone believe that we would actually choose to be in this position?  Is it possible that hundreds of millions of people, including children, all over the world are all delusional???  Wake up America, how ludicrous does this sound?  Seriously! 

28.  Finally, above all, I have learned that I am a survivor.  A survivor who will never, ever give up - on myself or anyone else.  A survivor who will stand up and fight for the rights of all Lyme sufferers out there who feel alone and desperate and hopeless.  The truth will prevail.  We got this.


Monday, November 30, 2015

I Can See Clearly Now: How a Simple Decision Became An Extraordinary and Unexpected Gift

"Never forget that you are one of a kind.  Never forget that if there weren't any need for you in all of your uniqueness to be on this earth, you wouldn't be here in the first place.  And never forget, no matter how overwhelming life's challenges and problems seem to be, that ONE person can make a difference in the world.  In fact, it is always because of one person that all changes that matter in the world come about.  So be that one person."
                                                  - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, I Can See Clearly Now

Sometimes one seemingly small and innocuous decision turns out to be monumentally life-changing.  For my family and I, the decision to raise a puppy for Guide Dogs for the Blind turned out to be just that.

One of the best things about raising a GDB puppy is that I am able to bring him with me wherever I go - and I do.  Everywhere.  The grocery store, coffee shop, kids' school and sports events, movies, hairdresser, even to the kids' orthodontist appointments.  This is wonderful on two levels.

First, the people we see on a regular basis get to know each puppy from the very beginning and literally watch him grow up.  They feel connected to him and are essentially participating in the process of raising our pup from start to finish.  This creates a connection that is really meaningful and special.  When Cory graduated, everyone from our community wanted to attend and most did - it was amazing!

Secondly, when I am out and about with my pup, most people respond to us in such a positive manner that I sometimes feel like Santa Claus - we spread joy wherever we go!  I love the way my puppy invites positive interactions with strangers and how it brings out a side of people that exudes joy, compassion and kindness.  Don't get me wrong - there is always an occasional "Debbie Downer", but 99% of the time it's nothing but love.  People feel a special connection with animals and when I am with my pup, that connection includes me.  I meet so many interesting, lovely people and as an Ambassador for GDB, I always try to patiently answer their questions even if I've answered the same one a million times before.

As I've mentioned in previous blog posts, invariably the question I get asked most frequently is, "How can you possibly give him up?", usually followed by, "Omg, I could NEVER do that!"  I've answered this question in all different ways - at first I took offense to it, as if the implication was that I was a heartless, cold bitch and that they were somehow superior due to their inability to make this sacrifice.  But over time I've realized that people are truly curious - curious because they honestly don't believe that they are capable of such a difficult act.

Now, especially after having been through the whole process, when people ask me this question, I'm just honest.  I say, "It's definitely not easy, not by a long shot - but that's exactly why I do it.  The fact that it is hard is the reason it's so amazing.  Giving up Cory was one of the most difficult things I have ever done in my entire life.  But it's so worth it. The gifts bestowed upon my entire family as a result of this sacrifice far, far outweigh the challenges.  And trust me, once you met the person whose life you are changing, you could do it too."  There is a reason that most puppy raisers do not just raise one puppy...I know many people who have raised 10, 20, even 30+ puppies!  It's addictive because it's so beautiful.

The lesson I have learned is this: Don't be afraid to do things that seem hard or uncomfortable or impossible.  Instead of avoiding them, walk directly toward the things that are out of your comfort zone and embrace them with open arms. And encourage your children to do the same!  I firmly believe that the more we are challenged, the more potential there is for positive, trans-formative change.  Challenges, struggles, painful events and situations, relationship issues, health crises - they are all just beautiful gifts in disguise.  So take a leap of faith and just do it, one step at a time, especially if it benefits others, even in ways that may seem small or insignificant.  Giving to others is never small or insignificant and it always pays off in ways beyond your wildest expectations.

On Saturday, October 31, 2015, on one of the most extraordinarily proud days of my life, Cory graduated from Guide Dogs for the Blind and became an official guide to his new partner, Heidi Jungel.  Heidi and I spoke on the phone the week before the ceremony and I knew instantly that she was going to be the perfect partner for Cory and that he was meant to be with her.  I was thrilled and beyond excited to meet her in person.

On the day of the graduation, I was filled with conflicting emotions - excitement, sadness, anxiety, nervousness and happiness all at the same time.  The GDB staff does a phenomenal job of orchestrating this very special day for everyone involved, even allowing each of the raisers to take part in the ceremony by presenting the dog his or her new partner and speaking to the audience about their puppy-raising experience.  They also allow time for the raisers to see their puppy again and meet their puppy's new partner prior to the ceremony.

Seeing Cory for the first time in 10 weeks was extremely emotional for all of us, including Cory. As one of the GDB staff members led us to the room where Heidi and Cory were waiting, I looked through the glass door and locked eyes with my beautiful boy - it was such a profound moment.  He stared at us as if in shock for a moment but as we walked towards him he realized we were real and his excitement overwhelmed him - he went nuts!  He gave us an exaggerated version of his signature "butt-wiggle" and I thought he was going to start knocking over furniture with his tail - it was so hilarious!  Heidi graciously allowed us to have a moment reuniting with Cory.  Once he calmed down we introduced ourselves to Cory's future, the true reason for all of this.  And she was amazing.

Our children really benefited from spending time talking to Heidi because they were able to see firsthand how their sacrifice was directly impacting the life of another human being.  At one point, Heidi explained to us the cause of her visual impairment and how Cory had already dramatically changed her life.  Heidi was born with a condition called Usher Syndrome, a disease characterized by severe hearing loss and progressive vision loss.  She still retains some sight but has no peripheral vision and she is completely blind at night when it's dark outside. Heidi explained to us that after finding herself in the middle of the street a few times and almost being hit by a car, she became fearful of being out after dark and tried to avoid it at all costs.

One evening, while staying on the GDB campus, Heidi was walking back to her dorm room and realized it had gotten dark outside.  Her first reaction was to feel fear but then realized that she had Cory with her.  She said, "Cory, find my room"...and guess what?  Cory led her directly to her room!  For the first time since she lost her night vision, Heidi said she felt perfectly safe walking in the dark.  Wow!  It was a pretty powerful moment and on the way home in the car, Jake said, "That was so great to meet Heidi - now I GET why we are doing this!  I thought I understood before but now I REALLY get it!".  What a gift this entire process has been to all of us.  What an amazing gift!  I feel like I should be thanking them.  At that moment, I knew I was hooked on this puppy raising gig - I knew, deep within my soul, that as long as I was physically able, I would be raising puppies for Guide Dogs for the Blind.

It's been a rough few years for me.  I've been tested in every sense of the word - physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually.  And although I am still struggling and I still have bad days, and even very bad days, now and again, I wouldn't change a thing.  Not one single thing, not even the stuff that still keeps me up at night upon occasion.  I am so grateful for all of it - the good, the bad and especially the ugly.  I can see clearly now that from the most devastating situations is the potential for the most positive change and enlightenment, resulting in an elevated state of being and a new sense of purpose that didn't exist before.

And I realize that behind those dark clouds, the sun has always been been there, shining gloriously in all of it's splendor, encouraging me to step into it's light and bask in it's glory.  It was there the entire time, I just couldn't see it through my tears of sorrow, frustration and anger.  The dark clouds no longer elicits in me fear or dread in anticipation of unpleasant situations or circumstances...I can see clearly now that even the darkest, scariest, most ominous looking clouds are simply opportunities in disguise - opportunities for change, growth, expansion and enlightenment beyond our wildest expectations.

In my mind, the sunlight behind the clouds represents hope, without which we can't survive.  Hope is like water, food and oxygen - it's necessary for us as human beings to keep moving forward.  Hope drives us to to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles.  Hope shines a beam of light, like a flashlight during a power outage, guiding us through our darkest days and making us realize that whatever we are going through will not last forever.  Hope illuminates the potential rewards that always, without question, accompany the most challenging times in our lives.  

I can see clearly now that hope is what got me through my toughest times, when the desire to give up was the strongest.  In my case, hope came in the form of a dog...a beautiful black Labrador retriever named Cory who showed up just in time.  Cory came into my life as a result of one small, seemingly innocuous decision we made to raise a puppy for Guide Dogs for the Blind.  It was an intention to do something selfless to help another human being and it ended up being a profoundly transformative gift that continues to bless my family and I with riches that go far, far beyond our five senses.

My dad asked me the other day what I thought was the biggest reason that Cory became a successful Guide Dog, given the statistics (75% of puppies raised are career-changed for various reasons) and the fact that he was our very first attempt at raising a GDB puppy.  I thought about it for minute, because although I had considered it, I still hadn't reached a definitive conclusion.  So I said, "I don't know what it was....he was a great dog, destined to be a Guide from the start...from the moment we picked up Cory, I told him every single day that he was a Guide Dog and that I believed in him 100%.  I talked to him out loud, telling him that there was a person out there, right now, this very second, who was waiting patiently for him to change their life.  I refused to believe he had any issues that would prevent this from happening."

Later, I was thinking about that conversation, and realized something else: from the very beginning, Cory and I believed in each other.  We gave each other hope, compassion, understanding, companionship, never-ending loyalty and unconditional love.  We believed in each other and that unshakable faith gave both of us the strength and perseverance to never, ever give up.  And maybe that's why we both made it.

As Dr. Dyer says so eloquently in his book, I Can See Clearly Now:

"Everything shows up in Divine time.  We get what we need on the schedule of a force much larger than ourselves.  This invisible force moves the pieces around in its own way, in its own time, to harmonize with the perfect precision that defines every cubic inch of space and time."

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

My Music Expressed

"When you are connected to the power of intention, you'll actually think and feel that any disease pattern has never been present, and that you're already healed."
                                             - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

I have set the intention to live my life fearlessly with no apologies for who I am.  So I am throwing caution to the wind and writing this post today, putting myself in a position of vulnerability which makes me a little uncomfortable - even scares me a bit.  I want to say up front that these are only my thoughts and mine alone - my intention is not to convince or to offend, it is solely to speak my truth so that others may possibly benefit.  And if not, that's fine too.  Normally I don't write about extremely personal things so this is new to me.  I hope that you will accept this without judgement or condemnation.

During my illness several months ago, it became clear to me that I was on my own.  All external means of assistance had failed and I literally felt that I was dying a slow, painful death.  One day last May, I woke up, dragged myself out of bed and somehow found the strength to walk the few short blocks to downtown San Anselmo.  I have no idea what compelled me to do this - it was like I was on automatic pilot.  I found myself in a bookstore and spent quite a bit of time looking around, not sure what I was searching for but somehow knew that I'd just know when I found it.  

A book caught my eye.  It was called "E-Squared" by Pam Grout.  It looked interesting to me so I bought it and walked back home in a dream-like state.  I hadn't been out of bed in days so the fact that I had made this journey was a bit surreal.  Back home, I devoured the book and finished it just a couple of hours.  Now this was also strange, since my vision was so blurry and my head so scrambled that I hadn't been able to read in weeks.  

The book talks about the power of intention and how powerful it can be, even creating miracles.  I needed a miracle.  Pam doesn't just write about how to create miracles in your life, she lays out a series of hands-on experiments to prove that it really works.  The first experiment focuses on the premise that there is an invisible energy source or 'field of infinite possibilities', which she refers to as the FP.  Pam insisted that she had proof in the form of many, many examples and stories from her own life and the lives of thousands of others that this really works.  I figured I had nothing to lose so I gave it a shot.  I asked the FP to please, please help me get well.  I followed Pam's instructions exactly.  I don't know if I really believed it - but I wanted to because frankly, I was desperate.

Exactly one week later the Rife machine, the thing that I believe saved my life, showed up out of the blue.  My dad and my Aunt Julie had sent it to me because they had become desperate too - desperate to do something to help me get better.  I had no idea he was doing this.  My dad called and told me that a package would be arriving at our town's post office and that I needed to pick it up immediately and follow the instructions on how to use the machine.  I remember feeling no sense of urgency whatsoever.  You see, going to the post office required too much energy and I was having trouble even comprehending what he was telling me.  What in the heck is a Rife machine?  

My dad was persistent and kept calling and emailing me to go pick it up.  I finally did, just to appease him quite honestly.  I had little hope that this thing called a Rife machine was going to be of any use to me. It was a Friday when I got the machine and once again, I figured I had nothing to lose so I gave it a shot. How I even figured out how to use the damn thing in the state I was in is a miracle in itself - it's somewhat confusing at first.  

But somehow I managed and began twenty-four hour treatments for the next three days.  Looking at me hooked up to this contraption, my family thought I was nuts.  Add to that the fact that I actually got worse at first, which I was prepared for based upon the information provided with the machine regarding the dreaded "Herx" reaction when killing off large quantities of pathogens and toxins, but I think my husband and children must have found this discouraging.  I don't think I was awake for more than 10 minutes that entire weekend.  I remember my dad texting me, wanting to know if it was working and replying, "It must be because I feel a thousand times worse!!".  

But I kept at it and low and behold, a miracle did occur!  Tuesday morning I woke up bright and early feeling like a million bucks - actually it was probably more like the normal state of a human being but in comparison to how I was just a day earlier, I felt like I could run a marathon.  My head had cleared and I could actually speak in coherent, complete sentences.  I remember chatting with my husband that morning and him looking at me like I was a martian from outer space - and my kids had the same reaction.

As I've written about before, I continued to improve each day and I am currently headed toward complete recovery, having never looked back.  I tell this story because this was a monumental, life-changing moment that has literally changed the direction of my life.  

First of all, I felt gratitude that enveloped my entire being - gratitude like I had never before experienced - toward my dad, my aunt and the Universe that had provided for me this miracle.  My whole perspective on my life changed in terms of what my priorities are and how much I appreciate waking up each day feeling good.  This was something I had previously taken for granted but never, ever again will that happen.  Each morning I wake up just so grateful for my health and to be able to live my life again - be a mom, take a walk, make dinner for my family, even attend a parent-teacher conference, which I missed last year.  I say thank you, thank you, thank you Universe for my life!

But even more importantly, I came out of that situation with a feeling deep inside of my very being that all I needed to do was to turn inward, that relying on external things to get well were actually what got me sick in the first place.  For the first time in my life, I listened to myself and not the thoughts, opinions and beliefs of other people.  OPT, I call them.  Other People's Thoughts.  

I knew with no uncertainty whatsoever that all I ever needed to live a happy, healthy, joy-filled, abundant  life was inside of me.  It was there the whole time, it's been there my whole life.  I just couldn't hear what my higher self was trying to tell me because it was being drowned out by the voices of other people, well-meaning I'm sure, but they were not mine and therefore did not work for me.

I felt free for the first time in my life to just be me and trust myself.  I also had the feeling that I didn't really have to do anything to create this reality, I just had clear my head of all of the OPT and the rest would unfold as it was meant to unfold.  I stopped stressing and worrying about everything because I knew that everything was happening as it was meant to happen and that, as Pam Grout says, "The Universe has my back!".  How earth-shattering to realize that life doesn't have to be so hard - we, as humans, make it hard but it doesn't have to be that way!!

When I started to tell people my story, many encouraged me to write about it to encourage others.  I soon realized that I love to write.  I started my blog and have not stopped writing since.  Even if no one chooses to read it, just the very act of writing fills me with sheer joy.  I never knew this about myself previously and I certainly didn't have the self-confidence to try it.  I felt I was being guided by a force I couldn't quite explain and I was okay with the ambiguity of that.  I just went with it.

Ironically, I heard about the death of Dr. Wayne Dyer from a post on Pam Grout's blog and that led me to learn about his teachings, which have been another guiding force in my quest to live life to it's fullest, the way it was meant to be lived.  Dr. Dyer reinforced all of the things I was feeling and put into words so eloquently many of the thoughts and feelings I had had since childhood but could never articulate or feel safe enough to express.  

For example, the idea that spirituality is possible without the involvement of organized religion.  Since I was a little girl, I felt nothing but disdain for organized religion of any kind.  I was raised Catholic and even went to a Catholic school for a bit, but I dreaded going to church.  I disliked everything about it - the strict rules, the structure, confession, smell, the automated way people recited prayers - all of it was almost offensive to me.  I know there are some people who might be offended by what I am saying, but I am just telling my truth and I'm not going to be afraid to do that anymore for fear of judgement by other people.  I was exposed to other religions as well and my entire being just rejected anything to do with religion.  I do not in any way sit in judgement of anyone who feels differently - let me just make that clear.  I wholeheartedly support everyone listening to their own voice inside them.  That being said, what I do have a problem with is people who try to force feed their beliefs and thoughts to others and expect them to comply just because it feels right to them.  This is not acceptable under any circumstances, in my opinion.

Deep down, I knew I had a relationship with God, or a higher power of some kind, that did not require any external intervention.  My entire life, I have always talked to the Universal Source and felt that we had a personal, private relationship that was all my own and I didn't feel a need to share it with anyone.  I was undeterred by people telling me that it's not possible to be spiritual without organized religion, a church, another person or organization telling you what to do and say and how to behave in order to be worthy.  I did not believe that we were all sinners and that we needed to "earn" God's love and acceptance.  I never believed it, not for one second.  I also felt strongly that organized religion was just someone else's interpretation of spirituality, not my own.

When I started reading Dr. Dyer's books I soon found out that he felt exactly the same way!  I felt as if he was speaking directly to me.  Finally, I wasn't alone, someone else had the same intuitive beliefs that I did and that was an amazing feeling.  This is when it clicked for me - I realized that I had been suppressing the real me, my true self, for my entire life.  I also realized that in order to be truly happy, your true self must be expressed.  

As Dr. Dyer repeated over and over again in his books and his lectures, 'Don't die with your music still in you'. Dr. Dyer, I will not die with my music still in me!  I will play my music with wild abandon!

So I will make no more apologies and I will live my life as I see fit and not as other people think I should.  I will listen to my inner voice, my highest self, who, by definition, is never wrong and does not make mistakes.  I will speak my mind fearlessly and without regret - and I will teach my children to do the same.  I now realize that this is the greatest gift I could ever give them.  

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

End the Pain, Find the Joy: All About Love & Forgiveness

End the Pain, Find the Joy: All About Love & Forgiveness: "When you judge another,  you do not define them, you define yourself."                                     - Dr. Wayne ...

All About Love & Forgiveness

"When you judge another, 
you do not define them, you define yourself."

                                    - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

One of the things I have struggled with the most during this time of transition and enlightenment in my life is learning to forgive others for the pain I perceive to have been inflicted upon me.  The advice has always been to "just let it go" or "decide to forgive and move on".  But this was not working for me.  I think I have finally learned the key to success in this area of forgiveness and I want to share it in the hope that it might help other people as well.

The other concept I struggled with is the idea of learning to love myself.  My first reaction to this was that it sounded pretty narcissistic and selfish.  Once I made the connection that self-love is really about remembering your spiritual essence, which by definition is pure, perfect and always connected to the Universal source of being, and not about your physical self and ego, it was much easier to wrap my head around it.  Your real self, not your false self.  

I found that once I started to really embrace this concept of loving and accepting myself, forgiveness just naturally flowed through me without me having for force anything.  I think it's a mistake to try to 'force' any emotions - actually I think it's an exercise in frustration because in order to exist, emotions must be tied to a feeling.  So if you're not feeling it, the emotion will be false or fake.  This doesn't work at all and can be very frustrating.  

My advice in the area of forgiveness is to really focus on releasing any negative feelings that you may have towards yourself, such as hurt, blame, guilt, anger, judgement, fear, and resentment.  Once you can do this successfully, the rest will just flow naturally.  The concept of loving yourself becomes effortless and forgiveness almost becomes unnecessary because all you will be able to feel toward the offending individual will be compassion and understanding.  Don't try to force it - trust me, it won't work!

My spiritual teachers and role models have taught me that how you treat others is a direct reflection of how you treat yourself.  For example, if you are constantly berating and criticizing yourself, you will do the same to others.  The things you say to other people, either positive, loving and encouraging or negative, critical and judgmental, are the same things you are saying to yourself - whether you realize it or not.  

In this way, we can understand someone else's deepest insecurities and fears about themselves just by listening and paying attention to the criticisms they make toward other people.  I had an "aha" moment this morning when I realized that people who come across as angry, resentful, critical, judgmental and jealous are simply saying aloud the negative things that they perceive to be true about themselves - or greatly fear to be true.  Most likely these are all of the things that they were told was wrong with them as very young children.

This realization allows us to forgive others more easily and to understand that the criticisms are not a personal attack against us.  Rather, it's a sign of a person who is truly struggling with their own self-image and someone who is living with a significant amount of pain and fear.  Making this connection allows compassion and love to flow through us as opposed to anger, defensiveness and resentment.  

Once you stop judging, criticizing and blaming yourself, you will stop finding fault in other people and you will no longer be offended and hurt by other people's behavior toward you.  You will recognize that it's just about their internal pain and nothing to do with you.  I find that I am able to feel compassion and empathy toward mean, nasty or hurtful people once I understand how unhappy they must be. It's the equivalent of a protective armor against negativity penetrating your concept of yourself and who you are.  What other people say and do no longer has an effect on your self-concept, nor does it affect you negatively in any way.  It becomes their business, not yours. 

The spiritual essence inside of each one of us, your highest self, has always been there - we just need to remember it.  In order to do that we need to silence the negative self-chatter and "should's" and "have to's" that are constantly going on in our brain and only then can we recognize the truth that our highest self has been trying to tell us along.  In reality, we don't "have to" do anything - we have been programmed by societal norms and values to believe this but it's just not true.

Once I decided that I would only do things that I truly want to do, as opposed to things that I should do or feel obligated to do, I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders.  Forcing yourself to do things because other people want you to do them, whether it's family, friends, or societal pressure, just breeds suppressed anger and resentment, which in turn creates lack of harmony in your body and that can lead to illness and disease.  So you can see that everyone is better off in the long run if you just listen to yourself and follow your intuition about what is important in your life.  That is your higher self guiding you along your journey and once you are able to accomplish this on a regular basis, everything in your life will fall into place effortlessly.

There are reminders everywhere, attempting to trigger what we already know is inside of us, our beauty, limitless potential and permanent connection to the Universal source of consciousness.  
Everything in nature is a reflection of the perfection and purpose in every single one of us - nature flows so easily and effortlessly because it doesn't get in it's own way, like humans do.  Nature has no ego so trees, flowers and butterflies are not capable of feeling bad about themselves - they just are.  The unconditional love we receive from our pets is there to remind us that we are also, at our core, pure unconditional love or life-force energy - whatever you want to call it, it's the same thing from the same Source.  Somehow along the way we just forgot.  Let's all remember, people!  We need to stop thinking and start being.

Monday, October 12, 2015

A Change in Perspective Changes Everything

"Change the way you look at things 
and the things you look at change."

                                                - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer 
                                                   (May 10, 1940 - August 30, 2015)

Recently I read an amazing book titled, "Dying to Be Me", by a woman named Anita Moorjani.  In it, Anita describes her near-death experience (NDE) which occurred in 2006.  I had heard of Anita before but never had an opportunity to hear her story.  Anita's words literally brought me to my knees and touched my soul in a way I had not previously experienced.  I almost felt like she was talking directly to me.  She describes in detail her four-year struggle with lymphoma, which eventually spread all over her body.  

On February 2, 2006, Anita's organs shut down and as she lay unconscious in the hospital, her family was told that there was nothing left that they could do for her.  Anita's body was riddled with cancerous tumors, her organs were shutting down and she was dying.  The thing is, Anita didn't die.  She is alive and well and cancer free!  She now travels all over the world to spread her message of unconditional love and how powerful it can be.

The doctors have no explanation for this miracle but Anita does - she knows exactly what happened.  Her book describes her near-death experience while laying in that hospital bed in a coma, surrounded by her family who were being told that there was no hope and that death was not only inevitable, but eminent.  

During her NED, Anita experienced an indescribable unconditional love surrounding her.  Anita understood that in order to be healed she must let go of her life-long fears, self-doubt, guilt, anxiety, and feelings that she didn't measure up, that she wasn't good enough which manifested in her body as cancer.  She saw who she really is, a magnificent Divine, spiritual being deserving of love, health, happiness, joy - everything good that life has to offer - just by being herself and loving herself unconditionally, which in turn allows her to love everyone else.  If you don't have that love inside of you for yourself, then you don't actually have it to give.  

She understood that we are all connected, we all have this beautiful Divine presence inside of us that is part of the Universal life force.  That spirit, or energy, is present in every single one of us simply for the fact that we were born.  Once recognized, it can create miracles beyond our wildest dreams.  She saw that, at our core, we are actually spirits who are having a human experience - and not the other way around! 

Anita was given a choice to come back to the physical world and once she made this choice, she woke up from her coma, knowing she was cancer free.  Several days later that was confirmed by the astonished doctors who compared CT scans from just a few days before, which showed tumors all over her body, to the new scans which showed no evidence of cancer.  None!

Anita writes:

"I believe that the greatest truths of the universe don't lie outside, in the study of the stars and the planets. They lie deep within us, in the magnificence of our heart, mind, and soul. Until we understand what is within, we can't understand what is without."

I was amazed and fascinated by Anita's story.  I had just started learning about self-healing after reading Louise Hay's book "You Can Heal Your Life" and I began implementing some of the techniques into my daily life.  After reading Anita's story, any and all doubt melted away and I knew that I, too, could heal myself and restore my body back to perfect health but I must first address the negative emotions, thoughts and feelings that had contributed greatly to my illness.

I had also started reading books and listening to lectures by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer.  Oddly enough, I had never heard of Dr. Dyer before his death on August 30th of this year.  Never even heard his name.  That day, someone posted "RIP Dr. Wayne Dyer" on Facebook and for some reason I was compelled to do the same - so I did.  I then realized I had no idea who he was so I Googled him and became aware of his teachings which had inspired and transformed thousands of lives.  

Dr. Dyer has written 40+ books, lectured around the world, and even made a movie, titled "The Shift" which, when I watched it, moved me so much I began reading and listening to everything I could get my hands on that was related Dr. Dyer.  Some might say I became obsessed with him, but the truth is that his words, his thoughts and teachings woke me up to a new enlightened state of being that is difficult to describe.

There is something about this man and his teachings that speak to me on such a profound level that I just know with 100% certainty that he is speaking the truth, at least the truth as I believe it to be. The fact that Dr. Dyer had to die for me to become aware of him is unfortunate - I would have loved to have met him in person.  My heart aches for his family, his eight children, his friends and colleagues.  I can't even imagine how difficult it must be to have lost such an amazing man.  But lucky for us, his message lives on in his many writings, speeches, radio shows, PBS specials and movie.  

This new enlightened state of awareness has made me realize things about myself that ultimately led to my physical illness.  I recognized that, I too, like Anita, I have been plagued all my life with feelings of fear, worry, self-doubt, guilt, anxiety, self-blame, lack of confidence and not feeling valuable or deserving of unconditional love.  I thought about how much I beat myself up in my mind on a daily basis and how destructive this kind of thinking must be to my physical body.

The other thing that Anita wrote about in her book that struck a chord for me was the fact that when we get sick or feel depressed we often turn to external means to help us to feel better. After her NDE, Anita now understands that in order to achieve complete healing from any illness or disease, mental or physical, we must turn inward and begin to see ourselves for who we really are - magnificent Divine spiritual beings who have all been called to this earth for a specific purpose.  Once achieved, everything else in our lives regarding health, prosperity, happiness and peace will all fall into place - synchronicity will appear in your life without you having to force anything.

It is easy to look at the world as it is today and feel depressed or hopeless.  Just turn on the news and the majority of what you hear is so tragic, sad, horrific and scary that it seems far fetched to believe that things are destined to change any time soon.  Just last week there were two more school shootings and immediately the debate began about gun control, mental illness, what to do, how to handle it - and the problem is that these issues end up dividing us instead of bringing us together.  

To me, the issue is not gun control or how we handle mental illness in this country.  Yes, those problems do exist but they are just symptoms of a much bigger societal issue.  We have become a competitive, narcissistic, materialistic, "Me" society and as both Anita Moorjani and Dr. Dyer state, we have forgotten who we really are.  And to make matters worse, the things that we have chosen to prioritize and glamorize as goals to strive for do not create the joy, harmony, peace, and happiness in our lives that we so desire.

Once we achieve these goals and collect all of our "stuff" that we thought would fill us up, we realize that we are still not happy and so we collect more stuff.  We are living in a world where the thing to do is take "Selfies", get plastic surgery and collect material things.  This is what we are teaching our kids is important in life and what they should strive for.  We are teaching them that being the best at everything, being pretty, thin, good-looking, going to the best college, being successful and making lots of money guarantees happiness.

We are raising a generation of people who are full of fear, misery, depression and anxiety because they can never measure up to the unrealistic expectations set forth by society, the media, and even the expectations set by their parents.  They have been taught external things, things outside of us, make us happy and, as we know, those things never last.  They have never learned how to create true happiness, fulfillment and joy in their lives from the inside out.  They are constantly worried about what other people think of them and how they measure up according to others and usually come to the conclusion that they fall short.  Add to that the isolation and anonymity of the internet and social media and it's a recipe for disaster.  Kids are isolated, depressed, and disconnected.  In my opinion, we as a society have failed to give them the tools to address these issues within themselves.  They only know how to seek help externally and when that doesn't succeed, they feel like they have no options, no hope which leads to self-destruction, violence, drug abuse, the list goes on and on...

Dr. Dyer understood that the need to compete and argue and fight with one another is not only futile, but it creates negative feelings internally which in turn makes us act out and become ill.  He said that we are all connected to a Universal consciousness, the spiritual part of our being.  The physical self which makes us human, has a brain containing an ego.  The ego is our false-self, which if allowed to take over, wreaks havoc on our lives and makes us miserable.  This is the self that is full of fear and wants to compete and fight and be right, criticize and judge others - this is the part that causes the majority, if not all, of the problems in our lives.  What if all of our problems could be solved just by looking at things differently and loving each other unconditionally?

When we are born we are all aware that our spiritual self exists but gradually, as we are exposed to all of these negative messages about who should be, it gets suppressed and the ego takes over.  I picture in my head one of those light dimmers on the wall that slides down, allowing you to dim the lights, making the room darker and darker. Perhaps the people responsible for killing and harming others have simply forgotten who they are.  Maybe the lever on their dimmer is as far down as it can go and all they see is darkness and despair.  The thought occurs to me...if the lever can be pushed down, perhaps it can be pushed back up allowing the light to shine once more?  Not with medication, but with understanding, love and recognition.

According to Dr. Dyer, true happiness comes only when you become aware of your false-self and then disallow it to manifest in any way in your life by rejecting all thoughts related to ego.  Do not allow them to enter into your brain - and if they do, 'delete' them immediately as they no longer serve you.  Once that happens, your true self is recognized and allowed to fully express itself in the way that it was always meant to.  

The thing is, we are all the same - at our core, we are all come from exactly the same place.  No matter what race, religion, culture, or country of origin, everyone that is born in this world, has that light inside of them that originated from exactly the same place and everyone has a gift to contribute to the greater good.  We are all here to express our gift in our own individual way, whatever that may be.  Once we recognize that we are all the same, the need to condemn, judge and harm others disappears.  Nobody is better or more deserving than anyone else.  We are free to rejoice in the success and joy of others without feeling jealousy, frustration or anger that it's not happening to us.  The fact is that the more good things happening in the world, the better the world is - and that affects the lives of all of us.  

We also realize that giving to others and accepting people just as they are is the only way to experience true joy.  Offering our special gift to the world, whatever that may be, being of service, that's what it's all about.  It's like life is a big party and in order to experience all the fun you must bring your gift to bestow upon all of the other party-goers.  This may sound simplistic but I truly believe that if everyone realized this, our world would change dramatically.  Since nothing else seems to be working, why not give it a shot?  What do we have to lose?

Maybe its about maintaining positivity in our collective Universal consciousness that resides deep within us all.  Maybe it's about self-acceptance, self-love, being kind, compassionate to one another, caring for one another.  Maybe it's about focusing less on our differences and more on how we are the same.  Maybe it boils down to one thing: love.  Maybe, just maybe, it's that simple.


Thursday, September 10, 2015

The Candida Connection: Another Piece of the Puzzle or the Missing Link?

"The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease."

                                                       - Thomas A. Edison (1847-1931)

I have a theory and I want to share it with you.  It's just a theory, but even so I think some of you may be able to glean some helpful information that may lead to better health and wellness.

The Theory: 
Morgellons Disease (and possibly many other chronic conditions) is actually Invasive Systemic Candidiasis albicans in a parasitic fungal form.

I have been using my beloved Rife machine every day and every night for the last three months consistently, as well as taking herbal supplements.  My health has improved dramatically - compared to where I was just a few short months ago,  it's nothing short of miraculous.  But I had some remaining symptoms that just wouldn't budge, the worst of which was the fatigue that would creep into my life and torment me periodically.  I also had skin itchiness and extreme water retention/bloating to the point where I had gained almost 30 lbs. since May.  I chalked it up to "herxing", which is a reaction to the die-off of pathogens in your body, and tried to focus on living my life and moving forward.  The fatigue is what I dread the most because it is what keeps me from my friends and family and sometimes prevents me from showing up and being there for my kids.  Basically, it prevents me from living.  Fatigue terrifies me.

I finally decided that perhaps I needed to change the frequencies I was using on my Rife machine to finally achieve the full recovery that I knew was possible.  I felt like I was missing a key piece to this puzzle.  Up until this time, I had only been using the frequencies associated with Lyme Disease and it's co-infections.

I knew that I had Candida overgrowth.  For years, I have suffered from chronic, recurrent yeast infections and oral thrush.  Every time I took a round of antibiotics, my doctor would also prescribe and anti-fungal medication for the yeast infection that would surely follow.  I had never really given it that much thought, although I had tried taking probiotics and herbal remedies to no avail.

Driving in the car one day, it hit me.  Maybe I needed to set my Rife machine to the Candida frequencies to see if that would help in my healing process.  I started asking my Lyme friends if they too suffered from this and the resounding answer was YES!  I started researching Candida and realized that I was on to something.  Other people online had also connected the same dots that I had and this just reinforced the theory that had begun to formulate in my mind.

As I have said before, I am not a doctor and I am not trying to convince you of anything.  I simply want to share this information because I believe it has the potential to help many, many people suffering with chronic disease, not just those with Lyme & Co.  So I will share what I have learned and what I believe to be true, and you can come to your own conclusions.

What is Candida?

Candida albicans, its scientific name, is a polymorphic, opportunistic fungus (or form of yeast) that, when it is allowed to overpopulate, can be the cause of many undesirable symptoms ranging from fatigue and weight gain, to joint pain and gas.

In healthy people, the Candida albicans yeast is a normal part of the gut flora, which is a group of microorganisms that live in your mouth and intestines.  Candida albicans can also be found in the normal flora of your skin. Candida has many functions inside your digestive tract.  One of the most important is to recognize and destroy harmful bacteria.  As long as your immune system is functioning properly, the Candida growth is regulated, kept under control and welcomed by your body.

However, if your immune system is compromised in any way (e.g. Lyme Disease), the bowel flora can be upset and the "good" bacteria can start to diminish allowing the Candida to flourish and take control.  Once this happens, the Candida transforms from a yeast form to a parasitic fungal form, weakening the intestinal wall, penetrating through into the bloodstream and releasing its toxic byproducts throughout the body.  This is known as "Leaky Gut Syndrome".

As they spread, these toxic byproducts cause damage to your body tissues and organs, wreaking havoc on your immune system.  The major waste product of yeast cell activity is acetaldehyde, a poisonous toxin that promotes free radical activity in the body.  Acetaldehyde is also converted by the liver into ethanol (drinking alcohol).  Some people even report feeling a drunk or hungover feeling along with debilitating fatigue from the high amounts of ethanol in their system.

In its yeast state, Candida is a non-invasive organism, however in its fungal state, it is invasive and produces very long root-like structures called rhizoids.  These rhizoids can penetrate your intestinal walls, leaving microscopic holes.  Undigested food particles (among other things) can enter the bloodstream through these holes, resulting in Leaky Gut.

The Candida can also penetrate your intestinal walls and enter your bloodstream.  Once the Candida has access to your whole body, you have a system-wide or systemic Candidiasis.  While the Candida is in your bloodstream, it plays a game of hide and seek with your immune system.  Your body knows that something is wrong but it cannot find the Candida.

While it is looking for the Candida, your body may start attacking different things looking for the invader, and sometimes it attacks itself!  This is the start of auto-immune problems such as Chronic Fatigue, Crohn's Disease, Fibromyalagia, MS, Arthritis and Lupus.  Sometimes the body doesn't attack itself but it attacks harmless particles from the environment and you end up with allergies or food intolerances.

Other Candida related conditions include: Acid Reflux, ADD, ADHD, Arthritis, Asthma, Autism, Cancer, Celiac Disease, Chronic Sinusitis, Crohn's Disease, Depression, Diabetes, Eczema, Food Allergies, Interstitial Cystitis, IBS, Nail Fungus, Nasal Allergies, Obesity, PMS, Psoriasis, Thrush, Toenail Fungus, Ulcerative Colitis, Vaginal Yeast Infection and Weight Loss.

Many things can cause this imbalance including antibiotics, oral contraceptives, vaccines, a diet high in sugar and carbohydrates, alcohol, pharmaceutical medications, street drugs and even stress.  Many sufferers of Candidiasis remain undiagnosed by their doctors and can't figure out why they feel so awful.

"Untreated Systemic Candidiasis has a mortality rate approaching 100%.  Delay in treatment is dangerous and will almost certainly end in death of the patient." 
                                                                                            - Dr. Richard Hurley, London

Symptoms of systemic invasive Candidiasis albicans include: 
  • Oral thrush
  • Frequent, recurrent yeast infections
  • Fungal infections in finger or toe nails
  • Constipation/diarrhea 
  • Bloating, gas
  • Abdominal pain
  • Indigestion
  • Heartburn
  • Tired, lethargic, drained
  • Poor memory, spacey, unable to concentrate
  • Depression, mood swings
  • Irritability or jitteriness 
  • Anxiety, panic attacks
  • Incoordination
  • Headache
  • Dizziness, loss of balance
  • Failing vision, blurry vision, spots in front of eyes
  • Burning or tearing of eyes
  • Pressure above ears, feeling of head swelling and tingling
  • Nasal congestion or discharge
  • Postnasal drip
  • Nasal itching
  • Sore or dry throat
  • Recurrent ear infections, fluid in ears, burst eardrum
  • Ear pain or deafness
  • Burning, tingling, numbness
  • Muscle aches, weakness, paralysis 
  • Pain in joints
  • Swelling in joints
  • Cough
  • Pain or tightness in chest
  • Wheezing or shortness of breath 
  • Women: troublesome vaginal discharge, burning, itching
  • Men: prostatitis, impotence, urinary burning
  • Abdominal pain
  • Spots in front of eyes, vision fading
  • Women: premenstrual syndrome, severe cramps and/or other menstrual irregularities
  • Men: frequent rashes in groin area
  • Women: Endometriosis
  • Loss of sexual desire
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Dry mouth
  • Blisters in mouth, tongue and on lips
  • Mucous in stools
  • Hemorrhoids 
  • Non-healing skin lesions or rash which is itchy and/or painful
  • Urinary urgency or frequency, burning on urination
  • Weight gain/loss
Direct Candida Causes:

  • Pharmaceutical Medications
    • Antibiotics
    • Dental Fillings Made with Mercury
    • Vaccinations (most contain mercury)
    • Birth Control Pills
    • Steroids
    • Hormone Replacement Therapy
    • Pain Killers
    • Cortisone-type drugs
  • Poor Diet
    • Sugar
    • Aspartame
    • MSG
    • Consistent Alcohol Consumption
    • Nutritional Deficiencies
    • Overeating
    • Junk Foods
    • Refined, Canned, Smoked, Preserved and Fried Foods
  • Eating Disorders 
    • Starvation
    • Diet
    • Taking Laxatives
Indirect Candida Causes:
  • Stress 
  • Trauma
  • Long Term Infections
  • Excessive Caffeine, Nicotine, Alcohol
  • Environmental Toxins
    • Pharmaceuticals in Drinking Water
    • Chemicals Leeching from your Carpets
    • Pesticides
    • Herbicides
    • Synthetic Fertilizers
    • Food Additives
    • Shampoo Additives
    • Skin Lotion Additives
    • Fragrance Additives
  • Diseases
    • Lyme Disease (weakened immune system cannot fight off the fungus)
    • HIV/AIDS (weakened immune system cannot fight off the fungus)
    • Diabetes (more sugar in the blood in urine which feed the yeasts)
    • Cancer (radiation kills the beneficial bacteria in your intestines; chemotherapy damages your immune system)

How does this relate to Lyme Disease, Morgellons Disease and other chronic conditions?

Interestingly, many of these symptoms overlap with the symptoms of Lyme and Morgellons Disease.  One of the defining symptoms of Morgellons Disease is the fibers or granules that emerge from both unbroken skin and open lesions.  These fibers have been consistently identified as the yeast candida, or cellulose.  This would explain why, upon biopsies being performed on their skin lesions, Morgellons sufferers are almost always told by doctors that nothing unusual was found.  This would make sense because candida yeast and cellulose normally and naturally occur in the skin flora of all healthy people - just not in overabundance as in the case of Morgellons sufferers!  This discovery was an 'aha' moment for me.  Things were starting to make a lot more sense...the countless pieces to this puzzle finally starting to resemble an actual picture.

Autoimmune diseases, including Fibromyalgia, inflammatory bowel disease and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, often respond to anti-fungal treatments.  Evidence exists that fungi, through their production of mycotoxins, initiate many autoimmune diseases by triggering inflammation in the intestinal tract, which in turn leads to the development of Leaky Gut Syndrome.  Diseases of 'unknown etiology' often have a fungal connection and upon treatment of the fungal infection, improvement or elimination of the disease ensues in most cases.

Candida albicans overgrowth primarily targets the nerves and muscles, yet it can attack any tissue or organ in the body depending on your body's predisposition.  Emotional/mental imbalances are a common occurrence with Candida albicans overgrowth.  Depression is an almost constant component of chronic yeast growth in the tissues.  The reason for this is the link between the gut and the brain.  'Leaky gut' allows the fungus and toxins to reach the brain, especially with a liver that is overtaxed. 

As I mentioned above, once the friendly bacteria in your gut has been destroyed, the yeast begins to overgrow and take over the digestive system.  Left untreated, it becomes a fungus and grows into a plant-like structure complete with roots.  These roots break through the intestinal walls, allowing it to spread and becomes a fibrous network all over your body.  This would explain why many Morgellons sufferers, myself included, describe seeing "subdermal worm-like structures" under the surface of the skin.  If this is true, then the fibers that emerge from the skin could very well be pieces of that fibrous network!

Symptoms of Candidiasis vary greatly from person to person depending on their diet, exposure to toxins, stress level and geographical location (like any mold or fungus, heat and humidity help it to grow and spread).  This would explain why it is so difficult to diagnose and people are so often told that "it's all in their head". 

Additionally, it makes it extremely frustrating for anyone with this condition to determine exactly what is wrong with them. Billions are spent each year on antibiotics, creams, nasal sprays, unnecessary hospital visits, operations, antidepressants and much, much more due to the ignorance and arrogance of medical professionals.  It is written in their own journals that antibiotics can cause this condition yet they continue to boldly prescribe them and are resentful when discussing their side effects.  One doctor who was backed into a corner on this subject during a talk radio show became hysterical with fear and began screaming: "THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS CANDIDA!". 

Not only do the symptoms of Candidiasis vary, the causes do as well.  In the great majority of cases, mine included,  it is a multitude of factors, usually building over the course of many years, which leads to this condition, which muddies the waters even more.  In my case, I have an underlying Lyme infection which I believe started with a tick bite when I was sixteen and living in Connecticut.  Around that same time, I started on a long course of antibiotics (Tetracycline) for teenage acne that lasted a couple of years, maybe three.  Tetracycline, as well as Doxycycline, which, ironically, is a routine treatment for Lyme Disease, are both particularly effective in causing Candida overgrowth.  The perfect storm - Lyme disease lowers my immune system, Tetracycline wipes out the good bacteria in my gut and the ideal environment for Candida to flourish is created.  It was around the age of 18 or 19 that the fatigue, headaches and general malaise began to set in.  

In my twenties, I was diagnosed with endometriosis, a condition of "unknown causes" which I now believe was caused by systemic Candidiasis.  For years I suffered from chronic, intense abdominal pain and terrible menstrual cycles.  This also resulted in problems getting pregnant for which I took Clomid, a strong fertility drug.  During one of my pregnancies, I herniated a disc in my lower back which also led to chronic pain.  I was on pain medication on and off for almost twenty years plus I was getting injected with cortisone 4 to 5 times a year.  A couple of years ago, knowing I was done having babies and fed up with the endometriosis, I had a full hysterectomy which of course led to a synthetic estrogen patch.  Last year, right before the acute phase of this disease began, I received another cortisone shot and I think that is what sent me over the edge.  I had also gone through a very stressful time in my life several months before and I believe that contributed to it as well.  The perfect storm.

As soon as I started focusing on the Candida issue, my symptoms really started to improve and I could feel in my gut that I was finally in the Recovery phase - finally!  Two friends from my Lyme  community have followed suit and both feel the exact same way.  Although I have changed my diet dramatically and started taking herbal supplements designed to kill the Candida, I attribute most of my success to my Rife machine.  It has truly saved my life and I can't imagine ever living without one again.  

Specifically, here is the protocol I followed:

  • I programmed my Rife machine (Rife Digital Professional) to the "Candidiasis" frequency set listed in the back of the manual and used it every night while sleeping and as much as possible during the day.  I did not use any other frequency sets during this time.
  • I followed a "Candida Diet" - eliminated sugar (including fruit), carbs, dairy, and alcohol from my diet for two weeks. (I am now following a more lenient Candida diet but the first two weeks it's critical to be very strict - lean protein and organic, raw veggies)
  • I started drinking purified water with a 9.5pH or higher with fresh, organic lemon juice.
  • I ingested as much garlic as possible - a natural anti-fungal, anti-parasitic and anti-bacterial (chopped into tiny pieces and swallowed like a pill)
  • I avoided at all costs any foods known to make Candida worse such as moldy foods (blue cheese, peanuts), carbohydrates, processed foods, and sugar.
  • I took herbal supplements called 'Candidase' by Enzymedica, 'Molybdenum Amino Acid Chelate' by Douglas Laboratories and 'Rhodiola Recharge' by Rainbow Light.
  • Drank lots of Nettle Tea with unsweetened coconut or almond milk. 
  • Took 1,000 mg of vitamin C per day.
As soon as I began this protocol, a herx reaction immediately ensued - a pretty severe one so please be prepared for a few days of feeling worse - but remember that feeling worse is actually good news because it means you are treating the right condition and that it's working!  I was exhausted and the skin on my arms, shoulders, chest and neck broke out in a painful, prickly rash. It felt like toxins and yeast were being eliminated from my body through my skin.  

My arm on Day #2 of Candidiasis Protocol

By Day #5, I started to feel significantly better.  My skin began to dry up and heal and my energy level increased dramatically.  It's been about 2 1/2 weeks now and I feel better than I have in years.  I actually drove (by myself!) my daughters to Tahoe for a soccer tournament this past weekend, something that would have been impossible a few short months ago.  I continue to take the herbal supplements and use the Candidiasis frequency set on my Rife machine every night but I have started adding some fruit (green apples and berries) into my diet.

The suppression of Dr. Rife's miraculous technology weighs on me heavily as I think about the millions of people who have suffered and died needlessly, people who could have been alleviated of their pain and cured of their diseases if not for the selfishness of corrupt government agencies and pharmaceutical companies, whose primary goal is not to find cures, but to find customers .  

To me, this illustrates how out of whack our society is today and I am truly saddened to think that this is the legacy we are leaving our children.  When did money and power become more important than human suffering and human lives?  At the same time, I believe that all is not lost - there is more good in this world than bad, and if we, as individuals, can learn to live our lives filled with gratitude, intention and honesty, if we can focus on being of service to others, rather than obsessing about our next fabulous vacation or fancy new car, then we might just have a shot at a world where joy and happiness is in abundance and selflessness is the quality most people strive for as opposed to financial success and collecting material items to prove that success to the world.  The change starts with you...don't be afraid to be extraordinary.